At the beginning of 1930's, René Moineau -from which the name "mono" - invented the progressing cavity pump. This pump system was created to pump viscous, heavy and abrasive materials in an even, inexpensive and conveniently precise way.
Investing in research and developing materials and designs allowed for the optimization of these pumps throughout the years. After years of experience and know-how acquainted from our family business, I, Andrea Costa, decided to independently produce the pump system, fulfilling the dream that I had for a long time. Once completed my studies in business economics, I created Nautilus Pumps, a young and dynamic company, born to develop and optimize the progressing cavity pump systems for different industries including for construction. Thanks to the competence and expertise of individuals operating in the sector for many years, in as little as few months, Nautilus Pumps was able to offer a line of products with better durability than other pump systems in the market, while running the same mix of materials. Pumping particularly viscous and abrasive materials used in construction is a challenge that Nautilus Pumps is convinced to win, relying on the capability to develop calculations for rotors and stators systems for different applications, innovative geometries, and formulations of elastomers with specific characteristics for different materials.
Nautilus Pumps has clear ideas about its future:
The concept of growth is connected to the size of the company. The intention of the administration is to develop more lines of products in order to satisfy the demand of all clients.
Because of this, Nautilus foresees the possibilities to customize the stators in two ways:
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Nautilus Pumps S.r.l.s Unipersonale,
Sede Legale:
Via lago di Molveno 4,
36100 Vicenza
Sede operativa:
Stradone dei Nicolosi 57,
36010 Monticello conte Otto (VI)
Tel: +39 393 9096680
P.I. : 04034190241 C.F. : 04034190241
R.I. : 04034190241 R.A.E. : VI-373613
Cap. Soc. : 5000 Euro I.V.