The 22 D6-3 stator is the most known and used mono pump in the world for pre mixed plasters made with gypsum, lime and gypsum, or lime and cement.
The strength of the product is undoubtedly the durability.
The work pressure developed by this model allows the use of material handling hoses of up to 20 meters length, maintaining excellent standards of durability.
An alternative version of this stator with a pivot shaft that prevents the rotation of the stator around its ax is also available.
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Nautilus Pumps S.r.l.s Unipersonale,
Sede Legale:
Via lago di Molveno 4,
36100 Vicenza
Sede operativa:
Stradone dei Nicolosi 57,
36010 Monticello conte Otto (VI)
Tel: +39 393 9096680
P.I. : 04034190241 C.F. : 04034190241
R.I. : 04034190241 R.A.E. : VI-373613
Cap. Soc. : 5000 Euro I.V.